Monday, February 28, 2011

The Squid Bomb Hit My Desk

Time to clear the decks........
Well, this is how it started.  Two days ago I finally convinced myself it is time to finalize one of my Squid Patterns that I have been play around with for about a year.  I went back and looked at the design and was somewhat pleased with it, with the exception of the eye attachment (tab eyes secured to shank with larger 3D eyes CA glued over them).  Anyway, after a dozen or two of them through the vise the desk looked like this.
  A few bags of feathers, some flash, hooks, both vices out (don't ask me why) and a bunch of more crap that you don't see.

  The tie is somewhat simple.  Feathers and flash for the tails covered with some fine Angle Hair.  Attach the eyes just forward of the bend.  Wrap some two tone rabbit up the shank.  Reverse tie some bucktail and then finish off the head with a few feathers wrapped around the hook shank.

  This fly may not be as elegant or complex as other squids, but that is by design.  I wanted a simple and fast fly to tie that can be tied between 4" to 9" long with basic materials.  The only thing that some tiers would not have is the two tone rabbit that creates a very nice shadow affect over the eye that you can not see in these pictures.

I will post some better pictures when I shoot the finished fly.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

Got Bunker

Well toady is one of the days that gloomy only describes.  The sky is gray, it is raining and it is cold and damp.  I will take a long time to get the chill out of these bones today.  Soon the spring run will start.  I know the Herring will be on the move and then eventually some Bunker.  Here are a few Bunker Shots to get you going and get the creative juices flowing at the vise.  Hope it helps.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thoughts on The Show Season

  Well the show season is in full swing now.  I just finished up 5 shows in 6 weekends.  All the way from Marlboro MA to Raleigh NC and a few points in between.  I do not know how some of the shops do it.  I know I only have a 8' x 18" table top and that fills my Explorer.  I am getting better at managing my Square Inches as opposed to the Square Feet the shops do.  Being on the road tends to get boring and cumbersome but it is a fun time seeing all the people and your friends.
  It is amazing on what you learn and what things we take for granted.  When I demonstrate what I do people will get all excited when I do something very simple to me, like tie with my scissors in my hands all the time or hand whip finish using the Peace Sign Method with out putting down my scissors.  Theses are two simple things I do every day.  I am somewhat disappointed in the large number of people that can not whip finish.  To me it is just like breathing.  I think it holds some people back because they are more worried about finishing off the fly instead of the construction and proportion.   To me the most important thing in tying a fly is the design.  Also, tying in materials by folding them in half around the thread is another thing.  It is a basic technique and not only saves time but it gives you more control on where to place the material and it forces you concentrate on the amount of material that you use.  I will have to post some how to on these.
  Overall the buzz at the shows was great.  The crowds were great and the people even better.  A lot of people asking some great questions.  I have leaned so much from them.  I also noticed that people are being very careful with what they are spending, but they are spending and are willing to put the money back into the economy.  That is not only good for me but for everyone.  The price for most materials have stayed somewhat the same with a few exceptions like some of the necks.  If you are looking for a nice off shoot to fly tying - look at feather hair extensions and beading.  These women are completely nuts when it comes to this.   I do think we are going to see a steady increase in long hair Bucktail.  Every year they are getting harder to find and the quality is starting to slip.  You still can get all the Norther Tails you want, but they are also starting to change.  Who would have thought that I am still chasing good tail and having a hard time finding it.
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Monday, February 14, 2011

Blogging - I am a COMPLETE IDIOT when it comes to this

  Well as the tile states, I am a complete idiot when it comes to blogging.  So I figured I would start one and see where we end up.  It is like when I site down at the vise with a new material or new concept, I never know what will come out of the jaws when I am done.  It will take some time to get this going and learning how to do it and do it well.  Like my tying, repetition, refinement and more repetition is what it will take.  If you have suggestions, please let me know.  
  Some of the things I will be blogging about will be the flies I tie, materials and other things I pick up as the weeks go by.  I will post information about the events I attend and some pictures.  I am also going to see how to integrate this into my new website that I am developing that will show all of what I do and let you purchase the flies and materials I produce.  I hope you will be interested in what I do and like what I have to say and post.
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